Einstein in advises, null in practice

“Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach.”— George Bernard Shaw

Einstein in advises, null in practice
Glorified advice
“Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach.”
— George Bernard Shaw

It's almost the unwritten norm nowadays in software development.

Glorified project managers, leads by conjuncture and señor developers... cocky on advises, on code reviews, on tech designs, on... life in general.

Forgetting their place, their actual value, and oblivious of the big picture.

Thinking they're entitled to everything without risking anything.

Thinking they're always right... embracing the god syndrome.

Just to compensate for some professional or personal insecurities, and create the false impression of a job well done. A beautiful lie, a sublime hypocrisy because hey... it's not a lie if you – yourself believe it.

Sick of it. 🤮

The only way to learn is by example. So start doing and whoever's  worthy will follow. If you can't, then don't! Period!